Monday, December 16, 2013

Tips for Moving Into Your New Apartment During Winter!

Our friends over at have provided us with a fantastic guide for moving into a new apartment home during the cold-winter months. Check out some of their helpful tips!

Even though it may mean carrying heavy poxes and furniture up flights of stairs in 90-degree heat, summer is the most popular time of the year to move. However, some leases start in the height of winter, and moving at this time of year has its own set of considerations.

If you live in or are moving to a cold climate in the winter months, here are somethings to keep in mind:

Allow extra time: Whether your move is across town or across the country, winter driving can take considerably longer, especially if your move date coincides with an unexpected storm. Consider adding a few extra hours or even a day onto your truck rental when you reserve it, or find out in advance how much it will cost if you go over your allotted time. If you're using professional movers, book them for at least the day before your lease ends rather than the day of; otherwise, if a storm delays their arrival, you could be stuck paying your landlord a penalty for overstaying your lease.

Protect your floors: At your old place, wait until everything is in the truck before cleaning the floors. Take off your shoes and leave them outside to avoid losing any of your security deposit for mud and/or ice you tracked in. At the new place, invest in tarps (or use old sheets) and put them down on the floors and carpets before moving anything in. You could take off your shoes with every new load, but doing so will waste valuable time - and possibly money if you're using movers.

Protect your stuff: Keep in mind that the storage area of the moving truck is not heated, so anything that could suffer from prolonged exposure to the elements should ride with you in the car or the cab of the truck. This includes live plants, electronics like TVs and computers, and, of course, your pets. If your TV is too big to fit anywhere but the back of the truck, let it acclimate to room temperature for at least 24 hours before plugging it in.

Look for deals: In notoriously cold climates like the Midwest, renters can often save money by moving in the winter. There will be less competition from other renters, so landlords may be more willing to negotiate in order to avoid being stuck with an empty apartment. Movers may also lower their prices in winter since there is less demand for their services. Shop around for deals and don't be afraid to ask for lower prices; in winter, the landlords and movers need you just as much as you need them!

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